Stop trying to succeed in 2022 with 2014 marketing.

From expanded ad copies, responsive ads to smart bidding, Google ads platform has undergone significant changes. New features aside, increasing competition in paid search meant that it takes much more to succeed today. On average, top performing accounts tested 11X more creatives than less successful accounts.

badge google


Stop trying to succeed in 2021 with 2014 marketing.​​

From expanded ad copies, responsive ads to smart bidding, Google ads platform has undergone significant changes. New features aside, increasing competition in paid search meant that it takes much more to succeed today. On average, top performing accounts tested 11X more creatives than less successful accounts.​

badge google

As seen on:


On the same token, SEM has evolved into a powerful sales generator for SMEs in Singapore. While other advertisers worry about the costs of pay-per-click advertising, we rest secure in the knowledge that your online ads will return significant ROI. This goes beyond lip service as we tie our compensation to your sales results for our SEM service. We are as invested in your success as you are. This means we do not seek to get you clicks or impressions; we get you sales. Period.

Diagram: Lowering cost per conversion while increasing no. of leads exponentially for our client

Anyone can increase sales by dumping more money into ads. Not only did ice cube marketing help us bring in 200-300 leads a month consistently, they reduced our cost per lead by more than 50%. Also, it is observed that these leads tend to have a higher hit rate (more quality) than those we were getting. Thank you Ice cube Marketing!

Eugene Huang 

Director, Redbrick Mortgage Advisory

IceCube team is driven by performance. They took time to analyse our previous campaign and to understand our business and requirements as the first step of engagement. They were confident in achieving our targets and have delivered a 35% lower cost per lead and helped us in recruiting more targeted potential franchisees. It was a collaborative and productive experience with IceCube and we are happy to recommend their service to any business who is interested in generating results

Jaye Chong

Division leader, Kumon Singapore


To deliver the sales results that eludes most other advertisers and agencies, we adopt an intensive practice termed Sales Process TranslationTM(SPT). This involves sitting down with your sales team(not marketing team) for a deep-dive into the sales conversations. Using our framework, we break down the sales insights into marketing assets comprising a landing page and a myriad of ad copies that gets your prospects excited about buying(before meeting you).


The sheer number of elements involved makes it a must for us to incorporate AI into optimization. Imagine having a dozen ad copies to split-test and hundreds of keywords to shortlist from. Budget inefficiently assigned translates to opportunity cost. By leveraging machine learning, we are able to shift your ad budget to the best converting assets and maximize ROI realtime.

Not only does Ice Cube Marketing help us with enhancing brand awareness, they also deliver real business results in their marketing campaigns that are beyond basic metrics such as clicks and views. Ice Cube helped us generate substantial signups for our key events within relatively short duration, and very high percentage of actual turnouts – a testament to the quality of their campaigns optimisation and management. We would like to thank them for their contribution to helping more students discover PSB Academy.

Jovan Lin

Assistant Vice President, PSB Academy

Andrew and his team has done a phenomenal job at sourcing for fresh, high-quality leads for us. Having worked with several lead generation and marketing companies over the past 5 years, I can honestly say that Ice Cube produces the most ROI for every dollar we spend on ads. Not only are they honest, down-to-earth and easy to work with, they have singlehandedly increased our sales by 30% in less than 3 months. I have not worked with a single agency who is capable of producing such fast results. Results aside, I also cannot emphasize enough how many times Andrew has gone the extra mile for us, even when he didn’t have to.

Huey and Irene

Director, Absolute Wellness

We first engaged a Google Premium Partner to manage our Adwords Campaign. However even after advertising for 1 year with this company and spending $15,000, we had hardly 2 genuine leads….Everything changed with Ice Cube. We have been receiving an average of 3 to 5 leads per week. We even closed 2 deals amounting to more than 6 figures in 1 month.

Eugene Seah

Marketing Director
iPoise Design Pte Ltd

Performance-based Charging

Instead of charging a fixed management fee regardless of your ROI, we choose to share the risks with our clients. We adopt a performance based charging model in which our fees are computed based on the sales generated from our campaigns. This aligns both parties’ interests and ensures we produce the best results.


As one of the few content-centered digital agencies in Singapore, the use of words and the meaning they bring lays the foundation of everything we do. From developing your customer avatar to planning your landing page, we set out to formulate the right copy that speaks to your specific target audience instead of using a one-size-fits-all messaging.


Unlike other agencies, we do not believe in tying up our customers in year-long contracts. Our relationships with clients last more than a year not because of legal obligations, but because it simply makes business sense for them. We typically work on a trial basis over a 3-months window.


We are a digital marketing agency founded in 2015 in Singapore. We are also an accredited Google Partner, Facebook Partner as well as SAP Partner agency. Our insights have been featured in Entrepreneur, TechinAsia, e27 and Singapore Business Review. We have spoken in OfficeExpo 2017/18, Singapore Chamber of Commerce, NUS, SMU & HDB Hub spreading digital marketing knowledge in Singapore.

we're different.

our methods, unique.

As seeon on:


SEO(search engine optimization) is organic placement whereas SEM is paid search. Both methods require different skillsets and our agency only specializes in SEM services. We recommend the use of SEM because of its ability to do split-testing, target unlimited set of keywords and to generate quick sales results.

It is not recommended for these 2 type of businesses below to carry out SEM.
Businesses with:

Unproven product demand: Traditional industries carry the advantage of having proven demand in their products/services. People have to be aware of the existence of your solution to be able to do a Google search for it. If your business is a disruptive technology, chances are search engine marketing is not suitable. For example, if you are Henry Ford trying to sell car at a time when people were still riding horses, consider social media marketing instead where you create a demand. On Google advertising, you must have existing demand for your products.

Unproven sales process: We always believe that marketing activities should enjoy a positive ROI and pay for itself. If you are investing money into advertising, it becomes extremely important to convert leads generated into customers. Search engine leads are typically qualified serious buyers. However, if you do not have a sales process yet that is proven to convert at good ratio, we highly recommend that you work on it first. That means a prompt follow-up system as well as enough salespeople to handle phonecalls.

In Singapore, search engine tops the list as the no.1 source of information for consumers looking for local businesses. With 91% of people using search engine, it does appear ‘googling’ has become 2nd nature for us.

Yes, Facebook’s costs per click is definitely cheaper than Google’s. What we find unsettling is that the literal costs are highly misleading. Clicks barely mean anything. If you have 1000 clicks and 0 leads, the marketing campaign has bombed, as far as our campaign is concerned. Google visitors are observed to be serious buyers in most cases, giving a much better ROI. (Note that we are not a ‘Google-exclusive’ marketing agency, we provide Facebook advertising services as well)

Great, you have the late mover advantage(no joke). In advertising, being the late mover allows you to examine what your competitor is doing right and not-so-right in order to build on what they have done and understand how you can differentiate. If you are starting from scratch, it is easier to get things done right from the start, as opposed to being held back by legacy issues. This is why it is so important to perform market and competitors analysis before starting the campaign.

Yes, however, not all companies are suitable for our performance-based program. There are several factors. First, companies must be willing to disclose sales figures, have a strong sales team, sell a high-value product/service and be in the B2C industry with a short sales cycle. Companies that do not fall in the above category can still work with Ice Cube on a fixed to hybrid payment model.

It’s time to optimize your SEM budget and reduce ad wastage. Work with an agency that serves as a partner more than vendor. Fill in the form to initiate a chat. If there is a fit and we are able to help, we would love to bring your business to the next level with the power of ads.

Webinar Signup

Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

Ice Cube marketing

All information is kept private in accordance with our privacy policy

It’s time to optimize your SEM budget and reduce ad wastage. Work with an agency that serves as a partner more than vendor. Fill in the form to initiate a chat. If there is a fit and we are able to help, we would love to bring your business to the next level with the power of ads.

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Here’s the new way to get as many new customers as you can handle

Now you can take advantage of our free Remote Selling Strategy Session for your business.

Find out why your business is not getting a consistent stream of customers online yet, in this custom-tailored session:

Understand the type of online funnel that complements seamlessly with your current sales process to ensure nothing falls through the cracks and budget is maximized to the last drop.

Identify the most compelling call-to-action offer you can harness in your business.

Spot untapped opportunities and gaps in your current online marketing approach we can exploit to see fast turnarounds.

Demonstrate our realtime call tracking and audience conversion system for helping you increase sales.

Run through case studies in your industry and find out what others are doing online to continually get leads and sales.

With highly traceable metrics such as CPC and Conversion rate, PPC is one of the most predictable forms of sales engine for any company. If you have great plans for your company, talk to us now to see if we can help you achieve them.