i.Poise Design

How we brought in 6 figures in sales in 1 month with a small budget

Ipoise Design is an interior design firm that has been around for about 20 years. Referrals by satisfied customers were the only source of business, and it was hard to grow the firm with an inconsistent pipeline.  It is currently being spearheaded by the 2nd-generation business owner, Eugene who is set on expansion via online channels.
He said:

Being an expanding Interior Design firm in Singapore, establishing a strong web presence is imperative as it adds a great deal of credibility to the company as well as a form of security to potential clients seeking out Interior Designers. Knowing this, we sought out different companies for assistance in this field since we are not experts in Google Adwords.

How it started

As a lean company, Eugene’s natural inclination was to outsource to a reliable digital marketing vendor. Eugene didn’t want to take any chances and was certain that he will only engage with the real deal in the industry. He found an established company to work with. Despite investing significant amount of time and money on the relationship,  it didn’t turn out as expected.

“We first engaged a Google Premium Partner to manage our Adwords Campaign. However even after advertising for 1 year and spending nearly $15,000 with this company, we had hardly 2 genuine leads.”

After the fall

Thankfully, that experience didn’t cause Eugene to give up on digital marketing altogether. He still believed his own intuition that digital marketing works. That belief spur him to take another shot at Ice cube Marketing.

Everything changed when one of our business partners recommended Ice Cube Marketing to us. The service rendered to us is worlds apart as compared to the Google Premium Partner.”

What we did

We evaluated their entire funnel from the keywords targeted to the landing page quality.

What prevented them from seeing results stems from the classical problem of narcissism, that plagues so many other businesses.

Essentially, users click on their Google ads and are directed to i.Poise homepage, of which the main bulk was about the founder’s achievements and story. While important, it shouldn’t be the focus. Why ? It transgressed one of the rules of marketing – People are interested in themselves.  The communication should be centered around the user rather than the company.

We researched about the needs of the users and came out with a central message that we believe would resonate with them.

Before VS After


With a fraction of the initial budget, we generated substantial leads and sales for i.Poise in merely 3 months of working with the client. In the words of Eugene:

We have been receiving an average of 3 to 5 leads per week.  We even closed several deals amounting to more than 6 figures in 1 month.”

Disclaimer: Results vary for individual business and industry.  We are not able to guarantee the same for every business.

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Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

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Here’s the new way to get as many new customers as you can handle

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With highly traceable metrics such as CPC and Conversion rate, PPC is one of the most predictable forms of sales engine for any company. If you have great plans for your company, talk to us now to see if we can help you achieve them.