
Generating more than 100 customers every month

The leading beauty chain in Singapore, Bioskin is no stranger to advertising and marketing practices. However, Bioskin's stronghold has been in offline channels such as TV and road shows. Being aware of the fact that attention is drastically shifting online, Bioskin has been trying out digital marketing but with unsatisfactory results.


Bioskin has been getting low quality leads via the use of Facebook lead generation forms. People who signed up on the campaigns hardly show up for the appointments. They start to doubt if Facebook and social media is effective at all in generating results. Upon seeing the many successful case studies and testimonials that Ice Cube Marketing has under its belt, Bioskin took a leap of faith with us. We started off with a 3 months trial campaign.


We sat down and asked for insights about the characteristics of the existing customers base and gathered that they are primarily problem-aware.
We crafted 3 ad angles, 2 of which are problem-aware and 1 being solution-aware.

The problem-aware ads hit home run. The message was around "replacing the status quo", specifically using newer ways to improve their facial beauty instead of sticking to traditional methods. Following the 3 months, we scaled the campaign further with retargeting and audience liquidity.

Search & social cross-targeting

Copywriting of suspense-driven ads

Scaling of campaign with multiple ad angles

Prevention of ad fatigue with varied messaging


150 new paying customers in 1 month

23% conversion rate

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Want to find out the 5 critical elements in creating trust and overcoming skepticism over the internet?
And see how you can apply the same idea to your business?

Fill in the form below to speak to our
digital marketing specialist.


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Generating More Than 100 Customers Every Month

The leading beauty chain in Singapore, Bioskin is no stranger to advertising and marketing practices. However, Bioskin’s stronghold has been in offline channels such as TV and road shows. Being aware of the fact that attention is drastically shifting online, Bioskin has been trying out digital marketing but with unsatisfactory results.


Bioskin has been getting low quality leads via the use of Facebook lead generation forms. People who signed up on the campaigns hardly show up for the appointments. They start to doubt if Facebook and social media is effective at all in generating results. Upon seeing the many successful case studies and testimonials that Ice Cube Marketing has under its belt, Bioskin took a leap of faith with us. We started off with a 3 months trial campaign.


We sat down and asked for insights about the characteristics of the existing customers base and gathered that they are primarily problem-aware.
We crafted 3 ad angles, 2 of which are problem-aware and 1 being solution-aware.

The problem-aware ads hit home run. The message was around “replacing the status quo”, specifically using newer ways to improve their facial beauty instead of sticking to traditional methods. Following the 3 months, we scaled the campaign further with retargeting and audience liquidity.

Search & social cross-targeting

Copywriting of suspense-driven ads

Scaling of campaign with multiple ad angles

Prevention of ad fatigue with varied messaging


150 new paying customers in 1 month

23% conversion rate

Want to find out the 5 critical elements in creating trust and overcoming skepticism over the internet?
And see how you can apply the same idea to your business?

Fill in the form below to speak to our
digital marketing specialist.

Webinar Signup

Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

Ice Cube marketing

All information is kept private in accordance with our privacy policy

It’s time to optimize your SEM budget and reduce ad wastage. Work with an agency that serves as a partner more than vendor. Fill in the form to initiate a chat. If there is a fit and we are able to help, we would love to bring your business to the next level with the power of ads.

3-Step Online System Webinar training

Get your free 48hours pass now


All information is kept private in accordance with our privacy policy

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Here’s the new way to get as many new customers as you can handle

Now you can take advantage of our free Remote Selling Strategy Session for your business.

Find out why your business is not getting a consistent stream of customers online yet, in this custom-tailored session:

Understand the type of online funnel that complements seamlessly with your current sales process to ensure nothing falls through the cracks and budget is maximized to the last drop.

Identify the most compelling call-to-action offer you can harness in your business.

Spot untapped opportunities and gaps in your current online marketing approach we can exploit to see fast turnarounds.

Demonstrate our realtime call tracking and audience conversion system for helping you increase sales.

Run through case studies in your industry and find out what others are doing online to continually get leads and sales.

With highly traceable metrics such as CPC and Conversion rate, PPC is one of the most predictable forms of sales engine for any company. If you have great plans for your company, talk to us now to see if we can help you achieve them.