What Most Marketers Will Not Tell You About Digital Marketing

When you see a fantastic digital marketing case study online, it’s tempting to think that the same strategy could work wonders for your business. You might see reports of a company growing tenfold or making hundreds of thousands through Facebook ads and wonder if that level of success is within your reach. But the question remains: Will your business achieve the same results using the same campaign?

The answer isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. Even if two companies are in the same industry, selling the same product, and working with the same digital marketing agency, they can still experience drastically different outcomes. While one company may double its revenue, another might struggle to attract even a single customer. There are too many variables at play—ranging from the company’s brand name, unique selling proposition (USP), and sales process—that all contribute to the success or failure of a campaign.

Real-World Examples

To illustrate this point, let’s dive into some real-life examples from our agency.

Beauty Industry Success

We worked with a well-known beauty brand in Singapore that has seen continuous success over four years of digital marketing. Despite running campaigns month after month, there has been no sign of ad fatigue, and the cost per lead has remained stable. Even as we scaled their campaign from generating 50 leads per month to 500, the performance remained consistent. This is an exceptional case, and I believe a significant part of their success is due to their strong brand name. Their brand equity likely played a major role in ensuring that their leads were both high-quality and plentiful.

Finance Industry Growth

In another case, we collaborated with a client in the finance industry who had a highly capable sales team. What set this client apart was their ability to provide detailed feedback on why they closed or failed to close certain deals. This open communication allowed us to adjust the digital marketing campaign based on their sales insights. The results were clear: they went from losing money initially to becoming profitable within a few months. Over a five-year partnership, the company grew from 10 employees to 100.

This success wasn’t just about marketing. It was about collaboration—working closely together to fine-tune the strategy based on real, actionable insights. Marketing was just one part of the puzzle. The client’s impressive ability to build brand reputation and maintain a consistent sales process also played a major role.

Digital Marketing Is Not Magic

There’s a misconception that digital marketing is some kind of magic bullet. Many people believe that a marketer can simply make a few clicks, launch an ad, and instantly generate customers. In reality, success is much more complex and requires a strong foundation from the business itself. The marketer plays a crucial role, but the client must also contribute by ensuring that their brand reputation is solid and their sales process is effective.

In both examples above, the clients were already doing many things right before they engaged with our digital marketing services. Their businesses were built on strong foundations, and their internal processes were in place to convert leads into sales. Digital marketing simply acted as the catalyst for growth, not the sole driver.

The Importance of Long-Term Relationships

At our agency, we pride ourselves on maintaining long-term relationships with our clients. In fact, 67% of the campaigns in our portfolio are evergreen, meaning they continue to run over the long term. Many of these clients have been with us for over six years, without the need for a contract to bind them. This is a testament to the effectiveness of a sustainable, collaborative approach.

However, we must acknowledge that not every campaign succeeds. About 33% of accounts eventually drop out due to low ROI, mismanaged expectations, or even capacity overload on the client’s part. In some cases, businesses grow so quickly that they can no longer handle the influx of leads, while in others, the returns don’t justify continued investment in digital marketing.

The Limitations of Digital Marketing

Even though I am a digital marketer, I’ve seen the limitations of what digital marketing can do. It is not a panacea for every business challenge. If you are hoping that digital marketing alone will deliver a 10x ROI or grow your business tenfold, you might be disappointed.

That being said, digital marketing can be a powerful catalyst if your business is already doing the right things. If you’re serving your customers well, providing excellent service, and following up with leads promptly, then a well-executed digital marketing strategy can accelerate your growth. It can amplify the good work you’re already doing and help you reach a wider audience.


Digital marketing can be a game-changer, but it’s important to understand that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Businesses must have a strong foundation in place to fully benefit from digital marketing efforts. Success is the result of a well-rounded approach that includes branding, a solid sales process, and effective collaboration with a marketing team.

Ted Chong

Ted is the director of Ice Cube Marketing. His insights on marketing has been featured in AsiaOne Business, Singapore Business Review , e27 and TechinAsia. He graduated with a 1st class honors degree in Business IT from NTU. While not planning campaigns for clients, he enjoys a good read on books related to psychology.



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