Generating a consistent stream of leads beyond word of mouth

Neuromath Learning Centre, started in 2002, is an established maths tuition provider, with 2 centres in Singapore.

Over the last 15 years, the business grew solely through word of mouth referral by virtue of the quality of its teaching.

As more and more competition spring into the picture, Neuromath Founder, Norman saw a need to create new channels for recruiting students, one that is more sustainable and consistent. He started with hiring a marketer to the team, but the lack of career development opportunities saw him leaving soon after.

Before starting any campaign

Norman got to know about Ice Cube Marketing(ICM) through a business contact who had great results with us. He quickly decided to try out the Social Selling Methodology.
Wasting no time, we sat down for our profiling meeting and ran through our checklist of 18 questions with the team of head tutors in Neuromath. The passionate tutors shared alot about how they were different but we were surprised to find that none of the points were reflected on their website! “We haven’t updated our website in ages”, was what they said in response to our disbelief.

For example, Neuromath customized learning for each student and have class size smaller than most tuition centres in order to maintain an individualized teaching environment. It was something they take huge pride in.

However, like most businesses in Singapore, Neuromath was not ”shouting out” their Unique propositions to potential customers enough, creating a misinformed perception that there was nothing different about the tuition centre.

If you are targeting more than one person, you are targeting no one

Tuition businesses have this peculiarity- they have 2 sets of customers, who are parents and students. When planning any campaign, we can only tailor the message to a unique target audience.

Many tuition businesses fall prey to this marketing mistake – they tailor their message to the wrong target audience. Right from the start, we made it clear who we were communicating to – the parents, not students. This set the stage for all our copywriting efforts.

Client provided us with a laundry list of benefits and features of Neuromath. We brainstormed among our team before narrowing down the benefits to a solid few that would really appeal to parents.

For example, having interesting and fun lessons may garner the attention of children more than parents. We decided to ditch it. Instead, we talked about involving parents in the entire tuition process- .i.e. having notes attached to homework for students so that parents are kept of what’s going on.

The main challenge faced by the team at Neuromath was not being able to translate their advantage into marketing messages online that can resonate with the target audience. Afterall, they have a team that is excellent at teaching, not so much in marketing.

Exceeding projected leads

In 1 month alone, we brought in 27 qualified leads, exceeding client expectations by 35%. The initial projected number was 20; estimated based on the budget, cost per click and an approximate typical conversion rate of 3-4%.

Disclaimer: Results vary for individual business and industry. We are not able to guarantee the same for every business.

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