How we increased sales by 30% in a highly competitive industry inspite of initial failure

EduEdge Learning Hub is the fastest growing English tuition centre business in Singapore. The story of their journey in becoming a 7-figure business has been featured in Straits Time in 2017

Edwin, the enterprising founder of EduEdge Learning Hub believes strongly in the importance of going online:

“In this day and age, any reputable company will require a strong online web presence on top of a physical shopfront so as to generate more sales enquiries and improve brand positioning. Not only that, to dominate the market, the company must own the keywords which are related to their industry. Sales and Customers are the lifeline of any business. These are the reasons why we’ve decided to engage a Google Adwords Expert.”

The first attempt at digital marketing

There are many digital marketing service providers in the market and it is rare that any business these days haven’t tried out digital marketing at all. Eduedge is no exception. Edwin tells of his experience with another agency prior to engaging us.

“Previously we had engaged SEM services offered by other service providers but sad to say, none of them were able to deliver what they had promised.

The worst of the lot was a local agency which had repeatedly boasted to us of their good ‘track record’ and the kind of ‘awesome’ results they had achieved for their clients. Their services did not come cheap. But we thought since they were confident in charging such exorbitant fees, they should be able to deliver on their promise. How wrong we were!”

The Process filled with its downs and ups

Fast forward to almost a year later…

Ice Cube Marketing has managed to enhance the click-through rate & opt-in rate to a level that is way better than what we had before. Although they didn’t meet our initial expectation and given KPIs in terms of leads, we can see that Ricky & Ted have been putting in the extra effort to improve the results, which is very much appreciated by our team.

Marketing is not always predictable. The team at Ice Cube marketing failed to meet the projected KPI within the first 3 months, even though all other metrics such as CTR and CR were positive. The industry is more competitive than we thought. Diving into further research, we modified the landing page and conducted more split-testing to home in on the message. Things finally turned around after a few more months.

Landing Page A
Landing Page A

“The campaign eventually exceeded our expectations after further optimisation. Professionalism & Professional Integrity are traits that we observe in the working relationship – evident in the continuous optimisation of campaign without giving up. In our opinion, these are extremely rare but important traits to find in Service Providers these days – and we are glad that Ice Cube Marketing embodies them!

In the past, the issue we had with many vendors was the fact that they couldn’t consistently keep up with the results for the long run and their service quality eventually dropped. Worse still, some of them conveniently did a ‘disappearing act’. What we like is the fact that Ice Cube holds themselves accountable for their clients’ results and strives for sustainable results over the long term.”

The long awaited results

“As a direct result of the help provided by Ice Cube and their secret marketing methodology, we have finally for the first time, increased our sales conversions from Google enquiries by approximately 30% while lowering our costs per lead acquisition by 50%! Such results wouldn’t have been possible, especially in a highly competitive industry like ours, without the relentless dedication of Ted, Ricky and their team! 

0 %
Increase in no. of leads
0 %
Increase in conversion rate
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Reduction in Cost per Lead

Final words

And obviously because we are so pleased with Ice Cube’s services, we have now forged an even stronger partnership and we look forward to even more awesome results from their team.

For any serious Business Owners who are looking to create a strong online presence, reach out effectively to their customers and generate more sales enquiries, you should seriously consider speaking to Ice Cube Marketing today!

Edwin Edangelus Cheng

Managing Director
EduEdge Learning Hub Pte Ltd

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