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How to do Post-Covid digital marketing to grow sales quickly
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Digital Senior is a content portal that produces articles to help students make decisions relating to tertiary education. With close to 100,000 monthly pageviews, it is the top education blog in Singapore by Alexa ranking.
DigitalSenior.sg is an internal project created from scratch by the team at Ice Cube Marketing (Why? because we love marketing !) Today, it is an advertising platform for clients on top of Google & Facebook. Digital Senior counts top educational institutions in Singapore as its clients, including the likes of SUTD, Kaplan, MDIS, PSB Academy, Parkway College , MOM and more.
Most people think about how to “optimize” their website better when it comes to SEO(Search Engine Optimization). There’s nothing wrong with it but technical optimization can only take your website so far.
Whether we are talking about SEO or content marketing, our efforts cannot be detached from the needs of actual users. In writing every piece of content, our team conducted extensive research. For example, in planning the article, ‘Ultimate guide in choosing private university’, we learnt in Hardwarezone forum that readers’ main concerns centered around matters such as recognition and tuition fees. We focused on answering those questions and coming out with a substantive piece of content that serves our audience. The same rigorous process is applied for most of the articles. With the internet filled up with fluff and websites trying to create content to fool Google, it wasn’t too hard for Digital Senior to stand out.
Digital Senior ranks on 1st page of Google results for 200+ education-related keywords and receives substantial organic traffic each month.
Organic traffic growth
As a testament to the relatability of the content, many of the articles went viral on Facebook. As a result, we received incredibly steep spikes to the traffic within a short span of 2-3 days. One of the most viral articles, 20 things I learnt from University garnered 3000 Facebook shares and 80,000 views in 1 week. Many of these evergreen content continue to be shared by readers months after it first went viral. The rewards from a single piece of good content were huge. We continued experimenting with different articles to hone our “virality intuition” and glad to say, we got pretty good at it.
“Digital Senior” was a brand that we conceived. The search volume for this brand keyword stood at zero before we began the project. We wanted to see if social media and search engine marketing strategies work in improving awareness of a brand. Through this simple experiment, our hypothesis was proven- Indeed, people started searching for “Digital Senior” after a few months. Content marketing helps in brand recognition.
You know that you are providing real value to readers when they start writing in to express their gratitude. This is profound because content helps to establish the kind of trust that is typically hard to achieve over the internet. Food for thought: Would it be as hard to close the sales once your company is seen as the thought leader in your prospects’ minds ?
Came across Digital Senior’s guide by chance. Thanks to the guide, I got the information I needed. Just felt an urge to say that Digital Senior is awesome!!! Thank you for publishing your honest and thorough reviews of almost all universities in Singapore. This has saved me so much time by allowing me to streamline the process of finding the best university suited to my needs. It is the best site that I have found for local Uni admissions. Keep up the good work!
– Ryan Tan, Year 1 NUS Computer Science
Most people think of content marketing as simply writing a piece of article and publishing it. The reality is that content production only represents a small portion of the entire roadmap. Each piece of content, written or visual has to be produced in accordance with the central content strategy. Clients are encouraged to produce content mapped to awareness, consideration and decision stages of their target audiences to cover the full scope of their buyer’s journey.
Importantly, this ensures that the content is produced with deliberate intention, keeping in mind the business objective. Content marketing, is afterall, a proven highly profitable mean of marketing through thought leadership.
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Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour
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How to do Post-Covid digital marketing to grow sales quickly
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