Creating trust over the internet and generating quality signups

BottomSlim is the pioneer in lower body slimming. Started in 2008, BottomSlim now has 4 slimming centres in Singapore. They have also sponsored popular TV shows such as The Star Awards and Ladies First and have sizable brand recognition.

Skepticism is real

BottomSlim faces strong competition from established local and overseas players.

Common among the businesses is the use of free trial offerings to attract new customers.

However, a segment of the general public harbors a high level of skepticism towards their practices, especially the free trial offerings.

BottomSlim mostly used Groupon to promote their starter packages and free trials. And they tend to attract not the right type of customers.

Facebook lead ad falls short

The team at Ice Cube Marketing had to find a way to convince cold audiences that BottomSlim can help them solve their problems. We needed to find a way to stand out.

It was found that the promotions ran by competitors were oversimplified. For example, many of them were running lead ads on Facebook which consists of simply a form for people to fill in their details. There was no other elaboration. Putting ourselves in the mind of the audience, we found it unfeasible. Working female professionals are highly educated and require more information before making a decision, and we had to work on some serious copywriting.

The Digital Salesperson

Most other competitors were not being transparent about their weight-reduction process. We decided to go the opposite way. We sat down with the client and delve deep into the science behind their methodology. Their methods were robust & comprehensive. It was a tad complicated so we broke it down into 5 easy-to-understand steps on their landing page.

The shortcoming of a digital campaign is that it is unable to address prospects’ concerns outright. Thorough research and probing process helped us to circumvent the problem. We went one step ahead to anticipate concerns, list them down and address them on the landing page – such as the level of safety, the sales process involved etc. In doing so, we were able to assure potential customers to take on the free trial.

Embarking on the campaign

After the initial keywords and audiences research, we proposed and went ahead with both Facebook and Google search campaigns. On Google, we targeted mostly informational keywords due to the sheer competition. On Facebook, we focused on showing ads to audiences similar to the customers base built up over the years. After a while, Facebook outperformed Google in Cost per acquisition and we shifted the budget accordingly.


68 registered quality signups(with phone numbers) in one month, exceeding initial projection of 50 signups.

100+ social signals with 0 negative comments

Disclaimer: Results vary for individual business and industry.  We are not able to guarantee the same for every business.

Want to find out the 5 critical elements in creating trust and overcoming skepticism over the internet?
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Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

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