How we created an extra 5-figure increase in online sales for an offline business


Dian Xiao Er is an award-winning restaurant chain with 12 outlets in Singapore and 1 in Shanghai. Their recipe to success lies in their philosophy of continuous improvement and trying out new things. It was not typical for an F&B business to go big on digital but its founder, Samuel Yik believes otherwise.


While Dian Xiao Er enjoys strong reputation and attracts a horde of customers every day to their restaurants, there are 4 outlets that are relatively quiet due to their remote locations. We set out to achieve better customer distribution across all outlets by leveraging on its brand name and of course, digital marketing.


An O2O (Online to Offline) plan is conceived. Over the Chinese New Year peak period where most outlets will be packed to the brim, we would use digital marketing to drive foot traffic to the 4 quiet outlets. We would target users who search for keywords such as “CNY dinner” & “CNY menu” on Google, as well as relevant audiences on Facebook. Using compelling copy, we would then direct them to a landing page with an ordering function. They would even pay through the system and come down on the day to collect or eat at each of the 4 outlets.


Our research found that search volumes of the keywords were already climbing up 1 month prior to CNY eve. Knowing that demand was surging, we wasted no time in capitalizing on the spike in interest.

Even though the CNY menu was not firmed up yet, we decided to create some hype. Our landing page includes a form in which users could fill in to join our waiting list and be notified of the menu as soon as it is released. We launched the campaign on both Google and Facebook.
A whopping 2635 emails were collected over a short span of about 2 weeks. On the day of the CNY menu release, we sent an email to the database and immediately kickstarted the initial momentum in online sales. We continued to market to cold & warm audiences for the next 2 weeks until the end of CNY.


Through the digital marketing campaign that lasted a little more than a month, extra revenue of S$41,198 was generated from the online ordering system(not counting the customers who went straight to the restaurants).  On top of that, there was addition of 2635 emails to its database – people whom we could market to continuously over the long term. It was a win both short-term & long-term for the client.


Traffic Generated


Emails Collected


Online Sales Amassed

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