Foundation first

It may not be a very good idea for you to invest heavily into digital marketing at this point. Online audiences are cold prospects with short attention span. Reaching them requires capital outlay that might not make sense for you now.

Instead of making a half-baked attempt at digital marketing, consider getting customers through other avenues:

  • Word-of-mouth/ networking
  • Telemarketing
  • Advertising/listing on portals such as Greenbook, Lazada, Qoo10, Qanvast etc

Based on Alex Hormozi’s Core 4 lead generation methods, word-of-mouth falls on top left quadrant on the diagram below. It is 1to1 warm outreach. Telemarketing falls on 2ndquadrant, which is 1to1 cold outreach.


The above methods are “free” in the sense that there are no upfront costs apart from labor. For example, portals charge you only when you make a sale. They are considered “lead-getters” based on the diagram on the right below. This reduces your risks in the short run as you establish your business. The downside is that you are at the mercy of a 3rd party. You can check out the video on portal marketing below.

Over the long term, you may eventually want to embark on digital marketing from your own website to generate exclusive leads consistently. In the meantime, you can take the chance to build up your base and get prepared.

As you build up your customer base, your focus right now should be on the following:

1. Collect emails of all customers and prospects: This allows you to upload the list to facebook ads platform to create retargeting and lookalike audiences, which increases your chance of doing well in digital marketing. This form of targeting has been proven to work time & again.

2. Collect testimonials from satisfied customers: This creates the social proof which is a must-have when you are targeting cold audiences on Facebook/Google

3. Create a system for closing deals that could scale: This could mean hiring more salespeople as well as standardizing your sales process so that you have a predictable closing rate, say 20%. Otherwise you could be wasting money when you begin advertising.

After a while, word of mouth dries up. You exhaust your personal network. Your customers tell you they will refer more customers to you ‘when the chance comes’ but it never does.

That’s where digital marketing comes in! If you have been doing the above 3 steps, you are set for your marketing. You are even ahead of your competitors.

For your next step:

Check out our youtube videos on

Alex Hormozi’s4 ways to generate lead
Portal or Digital Marketing
5 ways to get customers

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Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

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