1. iCRM Introduction Slides

2. How to Find Your IceCube iCRM Login Details

3. Login to iCRM

4. ICRM Overview on Dashboard Menu

5. Overview on iCRM Features

6. How to Connect ICRM To your Google Email Accounts on Google and Facebook/IG

7. How to Connect Google Calendar to your iCRM User Account

8. How to Create a Calendar or Schedule Booking Link

9. Connecting ICRM Account to Zoom

10. Connecting ICRM Account to WhatsApp Business Number

11. How to Use WhatsApp Business and Warm-up with ICRM Account (Important! You must warm-up your number first, many who didn't have get their number banned)

12. How to Use the Opportunity Pipeline to Track Sales, so that you can see your sales progress in one glance.

13. How to create Email Template(s) so that you can reuse the same template again and again, or schedule them out

14. How to Create WhatsApp Template(s) so that you can reuse the same template again and again, or schedule them out

15. How to Mass Send WhatsApp and Email to your data base WITHOUT being mark as Spam

16. How to edit email and SMS in Workflow

Webinar Signup

Topic: Avoid Price war and gain new customers
Date: 10 July 2024 Wednesday 3pm
Duration: 1hour

Ice Cube marketing

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It’s time to optimize your SEM budget and reduce ad wastage. Work with an agency that serves as a partner more than vendor. Fill in the form to initiate a chat. If there is a fit and we are able to help, we would love to bring your business to the next level with the power of ads.

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Here’s the new way to get as many new customers as you can handle

Now you can take advantage of our free Remote Selling Strategy Session for your business.

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Spot untapped opportunities and gaps in your current online marketing approach we can exploit to see fast turnarounds.

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Run through case studies in your industry and find out what others are doing online to continually get leads and sales.

With highly traceable metrics such as CPC and Conversion rate, PPC is one of the most predictable forms of sales engine for any company. If you have great plans for your company, talk to us now to see if we can help you achieve them.